You deserve to
be heard and seen.

Are you a female leader ready to feel more confident and unlock your full career potential?

It’s my mission to remind you what you’re capable of so that you can step forward and create change for the better. Change for yourself and for others.

Maybe you:

  • Are bright, competent and have a drive to succeed, but feel insecure

  • Think that you’re too young or not experienced enough to create an impact

  • Want to be seen, heard and respected more but the fear of being judged or criticised is holding you back

  • Wear your heart on your sleeve but your sensitivity can get the better of you

  • Are overwhelmed in trying to advance in your career while balancing personal priorities

You’re in the right place

I’ve worked with countless smart, skilled and ambitious female leaders who, despite being remarkable were paralysed by self doubt. With expert support, these women continue to step into their most confident selves and unlock a powerful career path.

You were born confident.

I’m passionate about helping a new generation of heart led female leaders raise their hands, contribute more and stand out.

I’ll help you see beyond your so called “limitations” and realise what’s possible for your confident self. Together we’ll uncover what’s keeping you stuck and craft a clear roadmap that ensures you have everything you need to achieve the success, recognition and growth you deserve.

  • Show up, speak up and stand out with absolute confidence and unwavering self belief

  • Lead large teams with authority and ease

  • Be seen, heard and highly valued just as you are

  • Advance in your career with courage and trust, creating a bigger impact and building more wealth

  • Be the change as you show the power of leading with a heart-led approach

  • Feel calm, grounded and centred as you navigate common or completely unexpected challenges

  • Be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually stronger, supporting you to excel in your career and life

  • Have a personal and professional balance that is true and fulfilling to you

How would it feel to:

My clients are living proof, and you can be too.


All of this is 100% Possible for you

  • Sinem helped me to see how I needed to show up, not just for myself but for others and I felt accountable to deliver what I promised.

    — Jodie

  • I left our chat, because that’s what it felt like, much more confident, not just in my offer as a business person, but as a whole.

    — Erin

  • Sinem helped shift my mindset to realise that only positive things can happen when I invest in myself.

    — Barbara

You are not alone

80% of women say they regularly lack confidence when it comes to speaking up at work and in their careers in general.

The biggest barrier holding women back isn’t a lack of skill, talent, desire or drive, it’s a lack of confidence.

Time for change

For a long time, more men than women have gone for leadership roles. Building female confidence is more important than ever to rebalance the masculine and feminine energies in rooms where key decisions are being made. We need more female leaders who aren’t afraid to wear their hearts on their sleeves and lead with compassionate authority. Empowered self belief and confidence, women take bigger action for the greater good, helping communities and societies thrive. As more and more female leaders stand up for themselves, they also stand up for the women and girls of the future. And you have exactly what it takes to make this happen.

You’re not meant to settle.

You’re meant to thrive in your career and live a fulfilling life. Regardless of your age, background or expertise, you’re here to create a ripple of positive impact in the community, in the world and even beyond.

Together, we’ve got this.

Why the old way to building confidence doesn’t work

There’s a reason why common tactics like “fake it till you make it” don’t create long lasting results.

These interventions simply scratch the surface when it comes to building confidence, resulting in short-lived victories that fade fast, leaving you in a pit of despair.

There’s a better way



Truly understand and anchor into your unique strengths. Overcome self doubt by building inner confidence and developing unwavering self belief.


Recognise your potential and realise that you’re not meant to settle. Develop healthy habits to harness your natural gifts and take back control.


Stand out, lead the way and create a legacy. Have a more a meaningful career and live a more fulfilling life.

“‘We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”

— Marianne Williamson

Hi, I’m Sinem

A holistic life coach, passionate about helping a new generation of female leaders overcome self doubt, step into their most authentic selves and lead with confidence. I’m here to help you release everything that is holding you back and step into a powerful career path.

There are so many other coaches out there so
what makes me any different?

A Unique Blend of Disciplines
Having spent over 13 years in adult education with a track record of outstanding teaching, training and leadership experience, I know how to make this experience personal, effective and transformational for you.

Creating Lasting Change 
Using an “inside-out” approach, my unique blueprint delivers true transformation by helping you build a stronger inner world that creates the positive changes you want to see in your outer world.

A Holistic Lens 
Fully embracing the fact that you are both a physical and an energetic being, my method incorporates a blend of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strategies to create natural, long lasting transformation.

  • Sinem is so easy to talk to and creates such a safe space to focus on your potential.

    — Julia

  • Sinem really helped me unpick some of the things that were holding me back

    — Dawn

  • I had a magical session with Sinem and her desire to help me take inspired action was amazing.

    — Laura

Imagine this …

  • You wake up from a deep and restful sleep to another day of exciting clients, projects and opportunities. Another day of proudly showcasing yourself, sharing your voice and leading unapologetically, creating a positive impact in your community and beyond.

  • You acknowledge your strengths with absolute certainty and have a strong sense of confidence when talking about what you have to offer.

  • You share your opinion and views openly, without the fear of being judged or criticised.

  • You value and prioritise yourself and have clear boundaries in place, respecting your time and energy.

  • You’re healthy, active and vibrant and have created a balanced lifestyle that is true and fulfilling to you.

  • You are deeply grounded, calm and assured that things always work in your favour and feel safe enough to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. 

  • Every time you take a step beyond your limits, you reach new levels of success, fulfilment and wealth, giving you the safety and freedom to do more of the things that you love.

  • You’re fully supported, guided and held, helping you to achieve ambitious goals at a much faster pace with a lot more ease.

  • You feel even more passionate and excited about your purpose in life. You become known for who you are, what you do and become an inspiration for others.

  • You have actively and consciously created a career path that is successful, fulfilling and impactful. You are a Confident Female Leader, changing the world.

Get in touch

Want to reach out? I’d love to hear from you. Drop me a message and I’ll get back to you within 48 hours.

Together, we’ve got this.